ChatTTS: Text to Speech Project for Realistic Conversation

ChatTTS.Site - The Ultimate Guide to Using the Open-Source Text to Speech Project for Realistic Conversation Simulation

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About ChatTTS

ChatTTS is a text to speech model specially designed for dialogue scenarios, a high-quality, multi-functional text to speech model that performs well in various conversational applications. It supports Chinese and English speech generation and, trained on approximately 100,000 hours of Chinese and English data, is capable of generating speech quality comparable to human dialogue. ChatTTS is particularly suitable for dialogue tasks of large language model assistants, as well as applications such as creating dialogue-based audio and video introductions. Based on open-source natural language processing and speech synthesis technologies, it provides developers with a powerful and easy-to-use tool.

ChatTTS Features

Why ChatTTS

Realistic Text to Speech

Make your audio generated by AI sound like a real person with human-like intonations and pauses.

Language Support

Break the language barrier with our dual language support for English and Chinese.


Rest assured in the efficiency of ChatTTS, designed from over 40,000 hours of pre training


Get access to well-maintained and regularly updated source code on GitHub.

How ChatTTS Works

Let's start using this repository locally with basic usage, running in Colab and running in Huggingface & Modelscope. Convert text into natural conversational human voice.

Localusing ChatTTS Locally

Run your ChatTTS repository locally to achieve a magical text-to-speech experience.

Colabusing ChatTTS Locally

Ten minutes of time, allow you to successfully run ChatTTS on Colab.

HuggingFaceusing ChatTTS Locally

Step by step to deploy your ChatTTS Space on HuggingFace.

Using ChatTTS Locally

Clone Project from GitHub

Navigate to the open-source repository, choose the appropriate folder, and clone the remote repository to your local machine using git commands. Alternatively, you can choose to manually download it from GitHub.

git clone

Install Reqirements

Enter the folder where you downloaded the files in the terminal or command line, then run the following command to download the dependencies.

pip install omegaconf -q
pip install vocos -q
pip install vector_quantize_pytorch -q
pip install nemo_text_processing -q
pip install WeTextProcessing -q

Initialize ChatTTS

Import the package, and declare the Python modules and instances we need.

import torch
from ChatTTS.core import Chat
from IPython.display import Audio

chat = ChatTTS.Chat()

Declare Your Text

Determine the text you need to generate speech for, and save it as 'texts'.


Generate Audio

Generate the speech.

wavs = chat.infer(texts, use_decoder=True)

Play Audio

Play the Audio

Audio(wavs[0], rate=24_000, autoplay=True)

FAQs about ChatTTS

Frequently Asked Questions for the ChatTTS GitHub repository, a generative speech model for daily dialogue.

What is ChatTTS?

ChatTTS is a text to speech model designed specifically for dialogue scenarios such as LLM assistants. It supports both English and Chinese languages and is trained with over 100,000 hours composed of Chinese and English. The open-source version on HuggingFace is a 40,000-hour pre-trained model.

Is ChatTTS free to use?

Yes, ChatTTS is free to use. You can download the project files from the GitHub repository to your local machine. There are also other developers who have created free versions available on well-known open-source platforms such as Github, HuggingFace and Modelscope.

How do I install ChatTTS?

Installation steps for ChatTTS are outlined in the 'How it works' section. Basicly, you could directly downlownd the text to speech project into your laptop from Github repo and use it in python. You can also follow the prompts on the official GitHub page for downloading and using ChatTTS.

Where can I find the source code for ChatTTS?

The source code for ChatTTS can be found on its GitHub repository at

In what languages is ChatTTS available?

ChatTTS is currently available in English and Chinese.

How do I use ChatTTS in my project?

To use ChatTTS in your project, you can import it and use the `chat.infer` method with your text. More detailed usage examples might be available in the repository's documentation or example files.

Can I contribute to the ChatTTS project?

Yes, contributions to the ChatTTS project are welcome in various forms, including issue discussions, GitHub issues submissions, and pull requests. You can also join the QQ group: 808364215 for discussions.

What kind of support does ChatTTS offer?

For formal inquiries about the model and its roadmap, you can contact the developers at [email protected]. Joining their QQ group or submitting GitHub issues for support is also encouraged.

How is ChatTTS different from other TTS models?

ChatTTS is optimized for dialogue-based tasks, enabling natural and expressive speech synthesis with support for multiple speakers. It offers fine-grained control over prosodic features like laughter, pauses, and interjections, and surpasses most open-source TTS models in terms of prosody.

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